Wednesday, November 20, 2013

CAB Presents: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Hey again students!

So, as some of you may know, this Saturday, Nov. 23rd, CAB has secured tickets to a private screening of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Tickets have been sold out for a while, so we apologize to those of you who didn't manage to snag one while they were available.

To celebrate the release of this blockbuster, we'll catch you up on the story so far (if you didn't read the book, don't worry; we won't tell).

In the world of The Hunger Games, a violent uprising occurred 74 years ago. The United States as we know it has dissolved and reformed under a powerful central government. The new state is Panem, and the country is split into 12 districts and the Capitol. When the audience joins, the 74th annual Hunger Games, a vicious bloodsport of youths meant to quell rebellion in the districts, are about to begin.

Katniss Everdeen, a young woman from a poor coal mining community in District 12, is chosen to compete, along with Peeta Mellark, a baker's son. Strongly independent, Katniss eschews an alliance with Peeta at the start, though after the Games begin and things get tough, Katniss realizes that she needs Peeta to survive. The two outlast the other competitors and then cheat the system, ending in the only Hunger Games ever to have two victors. This act of rebellion ends the first portion of the trilogy.

Alright, now that you're all caught up, let's talk a little bit about what we'll be seeing on Saturday, without any spoilers, of course.

When the second part picks up, Peeta and Katniss are forced to go on a Victor's Tour, a trip where the victors of the previous Games must travel to each district for ceremonial purposes. On this trip, the two begin to realize that everything is not well in the districts after their act of rebellion. The Capitol retaliates by calling the 75th annual Hunger Games and stating that the competitors this year must all be previous victors. Katniss and Peeta must once again fight for their lives while navigating the vicious undercurrents of national politics.

Now that you're caught up, we hope to see everyone who bought a ticket at 11 am sharp at the Edwardsville AMC. Have a good week, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CAB Presents: Nev Schulman of MTV's Catfish

Many of us nowadays maintain a nearly constant digital presence. Some of us even date others strictly online, even if they live in far-flung corners of the world.

But how do you know that the person you've been dating online is really who they claim to be? The 2010 film Catfish explored this idea. When the concept caught on, MTV optioned the film into a reality series, and MTV's "Catfish" was born.

The series follows host and creator of the original film Nev Schulman as he travels around the country and investigates online relationships, helping lovers determine if their love is real or if they've been deceived by a "catfish," an individual who creates a fake online profile in order to seduce or enamor another person.

Nev will be speaking about his experiences here at SIUe on Tuesday, Oct. 29. There will be a Q&A session following the lecture. Questions must be sent via Twitter. Tag @siuecab and use the tag #SIUECatfish to identify your questions.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Family Weekend Oct. 18-20

Family weekend at SIUe kicks off this Friday the 18th at 3 p.m. The schedule includes activities for folks of all ages, but here's just a few to whet your appetite.

Glitzy and glamorous, Casino Night starts at 7:30 on Friday the 18th in the Meridian Ballroom. With a variety of casino games to play and tons of prizes to give away, the evening promises to thrill children and adults alike. A special children's area will be available for younger kids. The doors open at 7:30 and the fun continues until 11:30.

On Saturday, a free screening of the Disney/Pixar film Monsters University will be screened at 2 p.m. in Science Auditorium Room 1105. The film is a solid laugh for children of all ages as Mike and Sully of Monsters Inc. fame flashback to their years learning how to be professional scarers. A perfect film for the whole family.

Magician and comic Justin Willman, host of Food Network's "Cupcake Wars", will provide his show "Like A Magician, But Cooler" in the Meridian Ballroom at 7 p.m. Tickets are required for the show, so be sure to pick those up beforehand. Also, this show is rated PG, so parents are advised to bring younger children at their own discretion. Ticket holders are advised to arrive prior to 6:50 or their seats may be given to those on the wait list, so show up early.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Event Spotlight: Homecoming Tailgate

Are you full of Cougar Pride? Do you want to share that pride with the entire student body?

Come out to the Cougar Tailgate on Saturday, October 5th! We'll have goody bags for students including t-shirts and Homecoming 2013 cups. Also, there will be a pair of Beyoncé floor seats up for raffle. The Dirty Muggs will be performing live as well.

And for the kids, there will be inflatables, caricatures, balloon artists, and face painting! Kids can complete the soccer challenge for a free Cougar Kids T-shirt!

Don't miss the fun Saturday, October 5th from 5-7 PM before the soccer game!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Event in Context: Rocky Horror Show

Many people have a favorite cult film, one that they come back to time and time again. And for many people, that film is 1975's Rocky Horror Picture Show.

When Brad Majors and Janet Weiss's car breaks down in the woods, the two have to seek refuge in the ominous castle of an eccentric transvestite. This decision ends up being one of the most eventful of their lives when things take a decided turn for the strange.

While this film received only lukewarm reviews on its release (its metascore on IMDb is only 55/100), the film has garnered a massive cult following since its release, largely due to the campy musical numbers and satirically overacted performances. Many fans who attend showings come dressed in costumes from the film. In addition, a number of traditions have sprung up around the film, including the painting of V's on the cheeks of Rocky Horror "virgins" and the use of props during the film, all of which are seen as perfectly normal and acceptable.

So, when you come to the show, don't be shocked by the traditions. Just shout along and follow the lead of those around you.

The event is Thursday, August 29th at 7 PM in the Meridian Ballroom.