MTV's hit reality TV show The Buried Life consists of four young men who are on a journey to cross items off their bucket list. In return for getting an item crossed off their list, the men do something generous or nice for someone else in return. The cast consists of Ben Nemtin, Dave Lingwood, Duncan Penn and Jonnie Penn.
Good news SIUE Cougars! The entire cast will be coming to SIUE on February 2 at 7:00 p.m.! The cast will talk about their experiences during the show and what the meaning of a "Bucket List" is. They will even show clips that didn't make it to air. In addition, the cast will host a question and answer session during the lecture and a meet and greet after the show.
The show will be free to all students and guests! Seats are extremely limited unfortunately with only 900 seats available. It will be located in the Meridian Ballroom and you do not have to buy tickets for the event. This is first come, first served! So make sure you act fast and do not miss out on this event!
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ReplyDeleteme and my bra are going. hes is soooooo cool. he is my hero. i hope does good at school so he can have a bright future. me and him are buds.